
Traditional Latin Mass Arlington is not affiliated with the diocese of Arlington.

Discrimination in Arlington

This article, which ran last Saturday, shows that the "trend" is catching on, especially among the young, with attendance at some Arlington masses doubling since they were converted from Novus Ordos to TLM's, and the number of Arlington parishes offering the TLM increasing from 2 to 5 since September 14.

Latin versus Latino

Now if we could just have as many Latin masses as Spanish masses (30 masses among 23 parishes--there's even a Vietnamese mass). The Washington Post ran an article about this in 2006. It's worth reading.

A Christmas Miracle

One TLMArlington member suggested praying the St. Andrew Novena for the following intention: That all obstacles to full implemention of Summorum Pontificum be removed and the TLM be restored to us on Sundays, Holydays, and weekdays throughout the diocese.

Right now I'd settle for plain old liturgical equality.

1 comment:

David L Alexander said...

"Now if we could just have as many Latin masses as Spanish masses..."

...it would be a year or two from now.

The issue here is not discrimination, but time. A number of priests in the diocese have been training for the TLM since before the decree was issued. They continue in addition to their other responsibilities. Tomorrow, I will be sitting down with a young priest who has been celebrating the Low Mass privately. This Sunday will be his first High Mass. As his master of ceremonies, I have things to go over with him. The parish where he resides is steadily adding celebrations of the TLM to its regular schedule.

When some people want something, they want it right this **** minute. Life doesn't always work that way. If you want to know why it doesn't here, you might want to read this...

Life After “Te Deum”

...which was written after conversations with a number of priests who are willing to celebrate the Traditional Mass.

Then get back to me in a year or two, and tell me I'm off the mark.

I can wait.