
Traditional Latin Mass Arlington is not affiliated with the diocese of Arlington.

A Return to Tradition

This story just hit U.S. News and World Report’s website and should be in print on Monday. There’s a picture from last Sunday’s Traditional Solemn High Mass with Msgr. Pope as well. This is one of those rare stories that has such a great impact because it’s a national publication and is also read internationally.

While most of the stories locally have been good, U.S. News unfortunately made calls to Georgetown University instead of Msgr. Pope, and what they got was a verbal slap in the face to Pope Benedict and everything he is trying to do with the restoration of the traditional Mass and faith.

Read the story and decide for yourself. Pay close attention to what the woman from the Apostolate at Georgetown University and Rev. Thomas Reese, a Jesuit at Georgetown, say about the traditional Mass and ordaining women.